
ナンシー 英語 中国語 教室 英会話 中国語会話
Nancy’s Language Fun Club にようこそ!
Nancy Liu と申します。来日25年。以来、有名語学学校、著名企業の語学研修、及び大使館・領事館の子女向けインターナショナル スクールの講師を歴任。大学受験や海外留学の指導経験多数。言語や文化に深い興味を持ち、人との交流が得意で且つ信頼され募われるタイプです。コミュニケーション能力には自信があります。
Welcome to Nancy’s Language Fun Club. Since you are looking at this page, I assume that you might be interested in foreign languages and are probably thinking of taking up English or Chinese, or both.
Why would you like to learn a foreign language? Your answer to this question makes a huge difference in whether or not you will enjoy the learning and how at ease you will become with a foreign language.
The answer I expect is communication, not others.
Any language is born and for communication. In other words, language enables us to communicate: to express ourselves and to understand others. Learning a foreign language should NOT just serve the purpose of passing examinations or getting promoted at work, but to open mind and reach out to foreign people and the culture they live in. 
Most of you spent years at school studying English. Did you study to communicate? Did your teachers teach to communicate? What have you harvested from years of struggling with English?
You might have been able to pass all the examinations, but can you use English? If you cannot use it to communicate with English speakers, what’s the point of having studied it for so many years. What a waste of time and money and energy!!
It’s not only fun to speak a foreign language, but enlightening to be in touch with a culture different from your own. It’s like opening another window in your brain. 


And you know what, it’s a small world anyway.